Facing Your Fears

The Facing Your Fears program provides children with the skills for them to be able to successfully cope in a variety of anxiety-provoking situations.




7 – 12 years




No referral required


Children aged 6 – 12 years

Languages offered:





Program schedule varies

Get started

Call our intake line at 416-438-3697 ext. 19055

Program focus: Communication Skills, Mental Health, Parenting, Skill Development

Facing Your Fears is a group program that uses a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) approach for the reduction of anxiety symptoms (Facing Your Fears Facilitator’s Manual, 2011). There is a vast amount of literature supporting the use of CBT to manage children’s anxiety, resulting in CBT being the best practice for the management of this disorder.

The overall goal is to provide children with the skills for them to be able to successfully cope in a variety of anxiety-provoking situations.

The treatment goals are:

  • Helping children to recognize signs of anxious arousal and to use these as cues for the use of anxiety management strategies
  • Encourage children to identify negative self-statements in order to initiate more positive and constructive self-statements
  • Helping children to use self-ratings and self-rewards
  • Identifying the cognitive processes associated with excessive anxious arousal
  • Training in cognitive strategies for anxiety management and behavioural relaxation
  • Performance-based practice opportunities with learned skills applied to real-life situations
  • Provide parents with the knowledge and skills needed to support their child in coping with anxiety

There are 14 sessions, which cover:

  1. Welcome to Group: Words We Use for Worry
  2. When I Worry
  3. Time Spent Worrying
  4. What Worry Does to My Body: Beginning to Measure Worry
  5. The Mind-Body Connection
  6. More Mind-Body Connections: Introduction to Exposure
  7. Introduction to Exposure (Continued)
  8. Practicing Exposure and Making Movies
  9. Facing Fears and Making Movies
  10. Facing Fears and Making Movies
  11. Facing Fears and Making Movies
  12. Facing Fears and Making Movies
  13. Facing Fears and Making Movies
  14. Graduation

Access to this group is through Intake and Family Counselling Services which allows for assessment of eligibility criteria.

Get started

Call our intake line at 416-438-3697 ext. 19055

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