Navigating the world of autism services can be overwhelming for parents, caregivers, families and children. At Strides Toronto, we aim to make the entire process a little easier for everyone by providing comprehensive support options to families, caregivers and individuals with autism.
In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the history of Strides Toronto, briefly explain how we work with the Ontario Autism Program, and outline some of the programs and services we use to help our clients and their families achieve their best lives.
Who We Are
Strides Toronto, an amalgamation of the Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre and East Metro Youth Services, has been providing regional autism services for over 30 years. Located in east Toronto, we offer autism services for the East York and Scarborough communities.
Through our wide range of programs and services, Strides Toronto helps our clients and their families/caregivers achieve their personal best. Our work strengthens the social and emotional well-being of autistic individuals and their families, caregivers and support systems, helping everyone overcome adversity, develop their abilities and reach their full potential.

The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) & Strides
At Strides Toronto, we are proud to be an approved service provider under the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). This government-funded initiative is designed to provide essential support for children and youth with autism.
To access the autism services offered by Strides Toronto, it is important to register for the OAP through AccessOAP. AccessOAP is the central hub that helps families connect with service providers like Strides Toronto.
Through the OAP, we offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each child, ensuring they receive the comprehensive care they deserve.
To learn more about OAP, please visit
Strides Programs & Services
Strides Toronto offers a wide range of programs and services for infant, children and youth with autism as well as their families, caregivers and other support people. Below are some examples of the programs and services we offer.
Core Clinical Services
Our Core Clinical Services is one of Strides Toronto’s varied streams of direct support. Core Clinical Services provides autistic children and youth with evidence-informed treatment and consultation based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our individual and group-based ABA services are on the OAP’s approved treatment list, and our free and fee-based services are offered both in-person and virtually.
Learn more about this service on our dedicated Autism Core Clinical Services page.
Urgent Response Services
Our Urgent Response Services offer timely care options for autistic children with specific risk-related needs, working to prevent risk escalation to self, others and/or property. Facilitated by an Urgent Response Service Coordinator, children and their families can receive up to 12 weeks of personalized services. Urgent Response Services may include short-term consultation with a child’s intervention team and respite services, among other services and support options.
Learn more about this service on our dedicated Autism Core Clinical Services page.
Entry to School Program
Our Entry to School Program is a two-part program designed to support and assist children with autism and their families during the transition to school. The first part of Entry to School is a group-based skill-building program that helps children develop school-readiness skills. The second part of Entry to School offers individual transition support to the child entering school as well as consultation services for families and educators.
Please note that our Entry to School Program requires an invitation letter from the OAP.
Learn more about this program on our dedicated Entry to School Program page.
Strides Resources
Alongside our various services and programs, Strides Toronto shares a number of resources for families and caregivers of children with autism.
Explore our list of Community Resources.
Explore our list of COVID-19 Resources.
How To Connect with Strides
Now that you know everything Strides Toronto has to offer, here’s how to get in touch with our team to access our autism programs and services.
- Step 1: Register with OAP at
- Step 2: Choose Strides Toronto as your service provider.
- Step 3: Complete a Foundational Intake and explore introductory resources.
- Step 4: Get started with Strides Toronto programs and services.
As you and your autistic child work through new treatment plans, programs, and services, Strides Toronto is right by your side. We provide ongoing support and guidance to make sure you and your child have everything you need to thrive both individually and as a family.
For more information, you can reach out to Strides Toronto in one of three ways:
- Email
- Call (416) 438-3697 ext. 19055 for our Markham Road and Milner Avenue offices
Note: We do not provide counselling services over email. Please do not include any personal health information when emailing Strides Toronto.