Reports and Plans
Toronto’s community-based infant, child and youth mental health agencies meet regularly to provide expertise and insight into the system transformation process. The Core Service Providers’ Executive Directors and CEOs come together to discuss the overall direction and planning, share learning experiences and inform the development and implementation of Strategic Plans. In addition, senior leadership and content experts from these agencies chair and participate in working groups, providing analysis and recommendations based on specific topics.
The Toronto service area is complex and includes many service agencies and sector partners, each of whom needs to trust the process of system change for the transformation to be effective and sustained.
Early in it’s first year, the Lead Agency adopted the Collective Impact model to provide a framework to harness the expertise and experience of these agencies, and to develop plans that are reflective and responsive to the many diverse communities that the sector serves.
Lead Agency Reports
Current Reports
Archived Reports
0 – 6 Age Related Working Group
7 – 12 Latency Age Working Group
13 – 18 Adolescent Working Group
Residential Treatment Working Group
School-Focused Initiative Worker Working Group
Centralized Point Of Access Working Group
Communications Working Group Final Report (June 2016)