Gender Based Violence Program
Free support to individuals who are at risk of being involved in human trafficking or those who have been involved in the sex trade
The Day Treatment Youth program provides an educational setting combined with therapy that helps young people to deal with a variety of problems.
Day Program, Family Therapy, Individual Therapy, Intensive, School
12 – 18 years
All referrals are welcome, including self-referrals from youth or family
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Eligibility details in program description
Languages offered:
Location details in program description
Monday – Friday, 8:45 AM – 3 PM
*Follows the mainstream school schedule
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Call Help Ahead at 1-866-585-6486
Program focus: Behaviour Difficulty, Life Skills, Mental Health, School, Trauma
The Day Treatment – Youth program provides an educational setting combined with therapy that helps young people to deal with a variety of problems and helps them to return to the school system or enter the work force. Youth eligible for Day Treatment are between 12 and 18 years old and are not able to succeed in a community school.
The student’s schedule includes three academic periods and one period of therapy, including Adolescent Life Skills and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). The focus on therapy allows youth to explore personal areas of strength and focus on development skills in the areas of: mood regulation, anger management, communication skills, relationship building, self-esteem/self-awareness, responsibility, stress management, substance use, and problem solving. Youth take part in planning their own program and future goals. Each classroom is staffed by a Strides Toronto Child and Youth Worker and a TDSB teacher. An Individual and Family Therapist is also assigned to the young person and their family to help navigate day treatment services and provide ongoing counselling
In general, youth that are referred to the program have at least one of the below diagnoses:
In addition, many of these youths have difficulties with peers, authority figures, family members and/or involvement with the youth criminal justice system. The average length of treatment is one year, with three to six months of follow-up to ensure a successful transition to mainstream or alternative program, as well as consultation with agency psychologist and consulting psychiatrist on a regular basis.
Strides Toronto’s Day Treatment Program operates in cooperation with the Toronto District School Board and is open to youth residing in Scarborough, from all Toronto School Boards.
We have five Day Treatment Programs:
We also offer a Youth Justice Day Treatment Program. This is a high school program for young people up to 21 years old that are involved with the Youth Justice System. This is done in partnership with Springboard. We serve youth from around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). To access this service, you must be referred by probation through Springboard.
Service Duration
On average, students remain in our program for a year. Some stay for one semester and others can stay for longer. The program is individualized, and length of stay is discussed / agreed upon with the client / family and treatment team.
Students entering the program need to have an expressed mental health concern and be open and committed to engaging in counselling.
Our program is not ideal for youth who present with intellectual disabilities given the intensive cognitive based therapy modality.
Get started
Call Help Ahead at 1-866-585-6486